We Believe...

We believe the Scriptures are inspired by God and are the only infallible and authoritative written Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

The Bible explains that we’ve all fallen short and missed the mark of God’s plan and standard for our lives (Romans 3:22-23). As a result, we’ve separated ourselves from God and have all gone our own way (Isaiah 59:1-3). But God loves us and gave us a chance for a new beginning (2 Corinthians 5:17).

He sent his only son, Jesus Christ, who was morally faultless before God, to voluntarily die on a cross in our place. He died to demonstrate God’s extraordinary love for us and pay the price for our willful neglect of God and his standards (John 3:16-17). Three days after laying down his life to be crucified on a cross for us, Jesus rose again to life (1 Corinthians 15:3-7).

Because Jesus was raised to life, we too can know that we have eternal life in Heaven (Romans 10:9, John 5:24, Romans 6:24). The only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ (John 14:6).

Because he lives, we can have an ongoing, growing relationship with Him (John 15:15). With Christ’s help, we strive to live a life honoring to God, following the example of the life and character of Christ (Romans 6:1-11). Because of what He has done in our lives, we try to communicate and demonstrate the love of God to others through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). All followers of Jesus eagerly anticipate that Jesus will one day return to take us home to be with him forever in Heaven. (John 14:3, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

To find out more about what Assemblies of God churches believe, please go to the National Assemblies of God website.